How Does Your Garden Grow?
If you click the painting above it will show you how it evolved.
Painting number two has come together after its allotted 3 days and this is what I’ve learned.
Making straight lines on the computer is one million times easier than painting gridded straight lines. The paint bleeds through the tape, you have to wait for things to dry etc. You can spend endless amounts of time touching things up.
I like the colors on this painting, but I think if I was working on the computer I would futz with them a bit more. Since it would be a big production to change them at this point I think I’m going to commit and call it. I do like them.
This feels like my painting. It doesn’t remind me directly of any of the artists I admire, but I can see hints of their influences. It feels like a reflection of the things I love and that feels good.
I like that it feels sweet but not overly sweet and saccharine. I think the worms and mouserats make it feel less hallmark-y. I like things that aren’t typically celebrated as beautiful. It makes it feel more honest somehow.
At this point I’m just reminding myself that I have never done this before and being open to this exercise. And honestly part of this process has been feeling like a failure. Do I know that sounds dramatic? YES! I’m embarrassed by those feelings. But it was a real present feeling this week, stemming from how much time I’m spending on this and how I have no hope of recouping the cost of my time. Even though that is not the point of this! I’m just processing all the feelings and acknowledging all the feelings, examining and naming them and continuing to paint through them.
I’m trying to not tie the success of the project to the monetary value of the pieces. I’m learning that I want to make more paintings. Looser paintings with fewer straight lines. I want to try doing some with less planning on the computer first. I’m just trying to keep moving through the plan I made at the beginning and not get too sidetracked my insecurities. There will be an art show and I will have paintings! So that’s good news.
You should come see, the opening is Saturday April 13th 6-9pm at the Fairmount House in Philly. 206 Fairmount Ave.
Things worth sharing
I love Hope Olsen’s paintings.
My friend Sarah has a great newsletter about creativity/life.
More than you want to know about stripes. Did you know they used to denote people who were excluded from society? Like folks with leprosy or prostitutes?
Do you read the Small Bow newsletter? It’s writing from the addiction community. I am not an addict, but hearing people talk about their brokenness makes me feel more connected to humans, so I read it when I have the time.
One of my paintings is of a Ruddy Duck and now I’m seeing ducks everywhere. Like here and here and here. I’m calling it, ducks are trending.
I’m on an Ann Patchett kick and am listening to Commonwealth on Libby while I paint.
I bought these to go glasses, and it was a totally frivolous purchase, but they were just so cute.
I’m a very low key Gardner. Every year I go to the dollar store and buy some seed packets and see what happens. I’m going to try and do a little more planning this year with a square foot garden.
I also signed up for a free Downton Abbey digital draw along this Friday. I sign up for a lot of free things and then don’t do it. This one seems promising though.
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