My art show is on Saturday! It’s the day before I hand over all my paintings! I should probably feign confidence and convince you how great it’s going to be and how great I am feeling and how you should really buy some of my fabulous artwork. But wouldn’t it be more interesting to hear the truth? I feel like a walking panic attack. I haven’t felt super anxious this whole time, but today I am feeling super anxious. The rubber is meeting the road my friends. I’m seeing all the flaws, I’m questioning my skills and abilities and taste. Should I have used a different brand of paint? Should I have varnished them? Um what is varnish exactly? I feel every bit of all the things I don’t know. There’s nowhere to go but forward, even though part of me really wants to run away. It’s hard trying new things! It’s so hard to put yourself out there, to hang your heart on a wall for everyone to ogle. I think these feelings will subside after I hand the paintings over, when there’s nothing else in my control to do. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions! Panic is part of my process!
There are good parts too. When I step back I can see I made a bunch of fun paintings. I’m doing the hard thing. I’m not squandering this opportunity. I learned a lot of things by making a boatload of paintings. That part is great. I’m also genuinely starstruck with the artists I get to be in the show with. They are so good at what they do.
I feel like my honesty in this newsletter is probably going to make me unemployable, so please come to my art show and give me a hug or high five and celebrate this feat with me. Buy some art if the spirit moves you.
Love you guys. really. a. lot.
The “Big Smiles” art show is this Saturday April 13th from 6-9 at the Fairmount House 206 Fairmount Avenue in Northern Liberties
The other wildly talented folks I’ll be showing with are Keith Greiman, Keith Garcia and Henry Hablak.
Things worth sharing:
I signed Elliott up for Kids Bowl Free again this summer, it’s exactly what it sounds like free bowling during the summer for kids at specified alleys. For $40 the adults can bowl too, two games every day of the summer. It’s a lot of fun.
My cousin Mary and her daughter Darby came to visit last week. Highlights were hitting up my friend Sammi’s shop Merrygold and the new FDR park playground.
Mary bought me this super cool seagull hair clip that I’ve been wearing everyday.
My Shop: